Flash Mob

Flash Mob

Suddenly, out of the fog, two young men rush by. Carrying trombones. Followed by two snare drummers and a bass drum on a cart. All headed in the direction of the sound of the trumpet.

Who Knows

Who Knows

While shopping in the local supermarket, a child passed me pushing a cart filled with groceries. Her mother walked behind, cradling a newborn in a sling. In the place in the cart usually reserved for little kids was a large doll. I asked the little girl, “Is that your baby?” She sharply replied, “No, stupid. that’s a doll.”

Ear Worms

Ear Worms

This is a model of the human brain. There’s music stored in a living one. Like yours – a jukebox containing hundreds of tunes and lyrics. You can voluntarily call up the music, silently play it in your mind or sing it aloud. But sometimes the brain plays a tune on its own – relentlessly.



For many years I had a conversation with a scholar of comparative religion. When I shared the thinking with him I’ve just shared with you, he once said that if the Hindu vision of reincarnation was true, and he factored in what he knew about me, he predicted that I would likely return as a multilingual cow.